Jesus talks about childlike faith and He applauds it. He say’s that if anyone should come to Him with faith like a child He will welcome him.  (Matt 18:4, 19:14)

Recently, I have had many opportunities to see a glimpse of  one aspect of the childlike faith Jesus was speaking of.  I am with my family in Boston. We are on summer project with a group of about  20 people they have never meant.  They are meeting more new faces each day as we do outreach and engage others.  The thing about my children (2 1/2 yrs and 4 yrs) is that when they see someone  they instantly call them friend and want to go talk to them.  Yesterday, we were walking up to the park and there was one other kid playing, my son says, “look mom a friend is here to play with”.  It does not matter if they are other kids or adults my children have this innocent faith that people are kind and that all people deserve their attention and love.

On our project we are processing with staff and students about the sin of racism and the prejudices we all carry in our minds and hearts. We are working at moving towards people that are different from us in race, status, personality, or background.  We, as adults, are having to put in hard work to do this. We have to unpack our judgements, first impressions, assumptions, and reactions. To be a child in this way would be to honor God and see the His image in each of the people He has created.

Thank you God for this picture in my children of the way you would want me to see others!