How is school going for you near the end of the year? I don’t know about you, but this time of year is difficult for me. In the interest of full disclosure, by this time of year, I am embarrassed by my own school mom failures. I am embarrassed that my child doesn’t always have her homework done. I hate that my child doesn’t always study for her spelling tests. I wish my child was never in the wrong when there’s the inevitable fifth grade girl drama. This is the time of year when I cringe when I see an unexpected email from my child’s teacher or see the school number on my missed call list. I don’t want to attend spring parent teachers conferences. I know that I should be doing more and better as a school mom. I am beginning to long for summer.

Parents, I just want to encourage you as I encourage myself. Let’s make the last 2 months of this year be ok (notice, I did not say excellent). Let’s go forward and know that past mistakes don’t define us as parents. I know need to be an advocate for my child. I know my child needs me to keep on keeping on. I know that ultimately, it doesn’t matter what my child’s teacher thinks about me as a parent.
It’s the first day of spring today. There’s just two months left of this school year. This parenting journey is not about me. It’s not about my failures or successes as a parent and it’s not about what my child’s teachers or the other parents think about me as a parent. It’s about being faithful as I care for the gifts God has given me to care for.
I can do it! You can too.
Gal. 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.