In the last days of summer, as we turn our focus to school and schedules…..I find myself thinking of something else…self care.  All summer long, we moms and dads have been driving kids around to camps and events and play dates.  We have planned for and implemented vacations which are often not so relaxing for the parents.  We have enjoyed our kids and the longer days of summer……and some of us are tired.

Consider some ideas for self care as we move forward to the new season of cooler temps, more structure, less sun and fun.

  1.  Open the windows at night.  As the temps cool down, turn off all the lights and open the windows before bed.  Listen to crickets at night and birds singing in the morning.
  2. Schedule a massage.
  3. Plan a cooking/freezing day of meals so that there are things the family likes in the freezer for busy days ahead.  Invite a friend or two to join you and split the labor and the cost!
  4. Enjoy a second cup of coffee in the morning at least once a week.
  5. Start a new bible study.
  6. Hire someone to come in and clean the house while you go shopping or for a walk in nature.
  7. Call a friend for lunch.
  8. Find a few moments in a day to just sit.
  9. Rub lotion on your feet.  Seriously.  Try it.
  10. Practice smiling more often.

Yep.  That’s my list for now.  I dare you to venture into self care, as the season changes, rather than living with regret that summer is almost over.